I have been talking for some time about starting a blog. I have friends who blog. I know leaders that I follow who blog. Why do I not start my own blog? There are a multitude of very solid reasons that do not stand up in the court of intentional living.
Usually, I am a good starter. I like to start things. I started a new diet. I started reading a new book. I started a new business. I have started many things in my life. In the spirit of self-awareness, I am not always a good finisher. So why is starting a blog so challenging for me? One, who wants to read what I have to say? Two, how much time is this going to take? Three, what do I have to say? Do you get the point? I have many excuses to procrastinate. I have discovered many pre-set assumptions about myself and others.
Okay, today I start. I have decided to just start writing and see what appears on paper. I have many inclinations about what to write about. Many years have been invested in working with professionals who are involved in sales and business development in the financial services industry. I enjoy networking and have many ideas on being intentional about building your network. I also have a love for learning. Not only do I like to learn, I also enjoy sharing what I have learned with others. My most natural form of sharing my experiences and what I have learned is through public speaking. Blogging is like raising the bar. Okay, I am pretty good at writing in my personal journal with a fancy fountain pen. Typing my thoughts on a keyboard for the world to see is another story.
So, what are my goals for this journal? I mean blog. I want to share my current thoughts on topics that are relevant to people who want to develop their skills in reaching prospects and clients. I want to share ideas on networking and bring people together to experience networking in action. I want to do more public speaking and coaching as a result of my blog. These are the things that I hope to gain from writing a blog.
What’s in it for you? I hope to share some of my vulnerabilities so that you recognize that you are not alone in your journey to “win friends and influence people” as described by Dale Carnegie. You will pick up ideas that you will want to try in your own efforts of prospecting, networking, and reaching and keeping clients or members. You will learn and grow personally and professionally.
What’s next? I will return to the keyboard on a regular or irregular basis to share my thoughts and ideas. Are you sensing those doubts again? We all have them. Sometimes, we must push through them and do the things we want to do anyway. Until next time!
Thank you David! What a reminder that we are not in this journey alone and we all do face insecurities. Well I’ll tell you what, I’m interested in knowing what you have to say and what you have to share because you seem to have a fountain of wisdom. I can’t wait to sit at the table (so to speak) and listen as you continue to blog and write. Your willingness to start will be great motivation for me as well. Kudos!!
Love this! Very authentic! I can relate to being a great starter and not so great finisher, and also procrastination excuses. You’ve inspired me to do some writing. Thanks for sharing yourself. Look forward to your next entry, whenever it may be.
Thank you for being real. I’m so looking forward to reading more!
Great start! Everything begins with the first step. Setting up the blog, writing, and posting equals 3 steps. You are ahead of the game 🙂
Great! Love it. I look forward to your next post with great anticipation.
Great start David, look forward to seeing your blog posts.